Ethical Capital

MyNeofintech has access to ethical capital programs or ethical investment, also known as socially responsible investment (SRI), characterized by the application of social and environmental criteria, in addition to traditional investment criteria. One of the main challenges of this type of investment is transparency, which is essential to ensure that the principles of ethical investment are really fulfilled. This type of investor avoids companies working with weapons, alcohol, tobacco or gambling.

The positive criteria that an ethical investor can look for are: a good safety record, honest activities, pollution control and an employment policy with equal opportunities. Generally, the investor or fund manager chooses companies that have the potential to help the environment and that can also generate income. Research shows that biodiversity and climate pollution are the main concerns of ethical investors. Far from compromising their profits, the changing buying patterns of investors shows that it is possible to have the best of both worlds.

Ethical investments are usually channelled through investment funds. There are two types of socially responsible investment funds:

  • Ethical funds: The selection of assets is made according to the fulfilment of a series of ethical requirements, closely linked to corporate social responsibility.
  • Solidarity investment funds: They allocate part of their profits to finance social or development projects at national level (investments in small businesses whose activity is positive for the community), or in poor countries through microcredits.

People evolve, the world moves and the capital market is not going to be an exception, MyNeofintech allows access to this corporate capital for projects or business opportunities that meet its investment criteria.